Sunday, February 14, 2010


Another round of photo-related information I have found.

- Build a High-Speed Laser-Triggered Photography Rig to Capture Split Second Exposures- LifeHacker; That is simply amazing.

- Giz Explains: Why ISO Is the New Megapixel- Gizmodo; Very good stuff. I have wondered why most folks need anything above 8megapixel. You are never going to crop a photo and print it bigger than 8x10. The better ISO is one key to a great quality image. (Along with the lens)

- Flickr meetups! There is some great action going on with the photography world and it is tied to Flickr groups like the DC/Baltimore Strobist. For these groups, members are arranging for get togethers to discuss, do, and learn. Some people are professionals, some are newbies, most are just eager to learn, practice, and share with others of like mind. I've only been to a couple, but they are fantastic things. The group dynamic makes they fun and interesting. It is relatively easy to get it all lined up... spend a day shooting with folks, and maybe create some new friendships through photography.

- Finally, WTD mirrors my life. In my case, it was cupcakes not beer.

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